Frequently Asked Questions

SmartlyHR.com FAQs

We've answered few of the FAQs for your benefit, If you have more queries, Login in to our Support System to find more answers.
You can also get in touch with our Online Support for any specific queries. Thank You!
1Can I access SmartlyHR.com without Registering?
User has to register first before using the Web / Mobile App
2Do I Need to Pay to Register?
Registering the Account is Free. However if you use your official email-Id during registering, we will provide free 1-Job Posting on MonsterIndia, & Shine.com job platforms as an Early Bird Offer
3How will SmartlyHR.com help me in identifying the suitable candidate?
Once the Job is posted, Our team will identify the matching profiles and will update under your job Application thus reducing the pain of going through each profile to find a match
4Free Job Posting Offer
Once a Recruiter is registered on SmartlyHR.com using their official email-id, 1-job posting is enabled for you to post on job portals as per the allowed package.
1Do I Need to Pay for My First Job?
Your First Job Posting is on Us so go ahead and post your first FREE job on SmartlyHR.com.
2What Payment types do you accept?
We accept most of the payment types. Please check while making your payment. Let us know if we need to add any more payment type
3Can I upgrade my current plan whenever I wish?
You can change your current plan and upgrade at any time to any plan you prefer .
1Will SmartlyHR.com team short-list resumes?
Unlike Other platforms, The Advantage with SmartlyHR.com is, it will short-list resumes based on location, salary, designation and experience so it helps you to reduce time & effort in your hiring process.
2How long does my job live on SmartlyHR.com and other platforms?
60 days validity for all jobs posted on SmartlyHR.com. SmartlyHR.com will ensures 30-60 days on other job portals as well however this cannot be guaranteed as relevant Job portals can change their policies wherein in such a case, Job validity will be based on their new policy
3What is this Inbox functionality?
Inbox Functionality allows Recruiter to send emails to Job Seekers using ready to use email templates
4What other services does SmartlyHR.com offer?
SmartlyHR.com also offers additional paid services such as calling candidates once the profiles are short-listed, scheduling interviews and follow-up till the Company / Recruiter selects and on-boards the candidate

Hiring Possibilities?